A man who can’t see God or the Devil by his external eyes is put in an acid test of believing that they do exist and govern the life of every man and his habitats while undergoing the bitter sufferings that go beyond his thinking. “Fear is the root cause of all human evil”, says Bertrand Russell. Can human beings live without fear? No, it is the basic components of the human nature that he acquired soon after his separation from God in the Garden of Eden. He was saturated with the love of God before breaking the first commandment, but isolated from it afterwards, the reason for the fear conquering him. Once Adam divorced from God’s love he realized that the fear is the absence of love. While the Almighty God is the incarnation of light that is immanent with pure love, the absence of love is darkness that is full of hatred, the hatred that the infernal darkness cultivates towards the Divine dynamo, which formed man in His own image, a substitute for worshipping God in place of the rebellious ones that occupy the nether worlds. It became imperative for the fallen human race to nurture the love of God because the Holiness of God emanates fear that make him convince that man cannot live without the love of God. The ingredients of love and fear, the only 2 creative passions, have become the part and parcel of man. God is love, 1.Jn.4: 9, so also the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, Prov.1: 7. The loss of God’s image that created the gulf, which emanates fear is burning in us to be closer within the vicinity of the Creator’s love.

Devil’s Enticements:
The Devil that wants us to be subjugated as his agents invents very many designs and techniques to deceive and plunder us. He is a twenty-four hour servant of man who is with an arm’s length from him, just as God also has assigned duties to the guardian angel that comes to our aid when we ask for it. Both these agents of dominions use our flesh mind and heart to be their playgrounds. The one who try to subdue the passions of the flesh only can harness one’s mind and heart to be kept pure for the work of the Heavenly forces, whereas one who uses the passions of the flesh freely and loosely can please the underworld dominion. Both the celestial and sub-terrestrial forces are tireless and sleepless invisible spirits to our open eyes, they can penetrate everywhere without our knowledge and consent either to support or create havocs to us. But God doesn’t encroach into our sacred and private areas as He values the individual freedom and liberty that once He bestowed upon at the time of forming us. The good forces come to our aid at the beck and call of each person when we are in necessity. As the aura of the forbidden fruit is already immanent in us, the magnetic effect of the evil ones within and without of each individual is a stumbling-block for God’s angels to work within a man. “Angels fear to go where the Devil tread”. As the flesh is the part of the terrestrial or sub-terrestrial arena, it is the prime seat of the diabolical ones to predate upon man, despite the Creator of the flesh also vie for the purity of it that man has to put under stringent scrutiny for his spiritual progress, so also He needs our body for our afterlife.

The demon can take any shape or form so that it can make chaos; his sense of adaptability is unimaginable. He borrows the garb of the angels of light that cause confusion to the common man to accept him as his companion for advice. “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light”, 2.Cor.11: 14. This is the secret rush for Satan one day to present himself where the sons of God presented themselves before the Lord, Job.2: 1-2. His first appearance on human affairs was in Eden where he made Eve as a stooge for executing his malevolence by disguising himself as a serpent. His aim is to defeat God by converting man to his dark image and prey upon him everlastingly. He enters into any animal and makes it as the vehicle for his wickedness, Lk.8: 32, 10: 18-19. He has been hunting over mankind ever since from the day of the Eden tragedy that will be pursued by the eventual holocaust of the evil ones by the final blow at the end of the time. God has a set a final timeframe from the very beginning for the dismantling of the rule of the diabolic ones. Despite Jesus, symbolical white horse, nailed down Satan on the cross, the white horse is followed by a red one, then a dark one and a yellow one, Rev.5. The red one represents the persecution time of the early Christians, the dark one is the devil’s playground of heresy that split the church into fragments from the fist part of the 4th century, followed by the Chalcedon Synod that split the church into two formidable entities and was followed further by the brutal crusades and medieval vandalisms of the prince of perdition. The era of the Renaissance that liberalized everything into materialism is the role of the yellow horse. Prophet Daniel’s vision of the statue and 4 animals also convey a similar message to the whole mankind. As there is no time and space to delineate his mischief, it is better to ponder over the present time that is trampled over by his incarnation of diabolical acrobatics. His iron claws are rooted in the day-to-day activities in the family, religious, political and social intercourse of our time.

Family backgrounds:
The family that is the primary web of our life on earth is polluted by the filth that is connected with sex and all its corruptions. As sex has become the religion of the day and pornography its bible, every industry is linked to the global sex industry. The family planning, for example the use of condoms, dating facilities, tourism, art and culture, for example the exemplification of devil in the music and choreographic art and culture are all inter-related industries that cannot be obliterated by any power on earth. What to speak of sports and athletics! The serene family life is torn into pieces because of the influx of the pernicious sex profligacy that is the oldest profession and industry of the world. One should realize that sex perpetration is the outcome of the Eden disobedience that is tearing apart the family and its prayerful life since then. The evolution of sex culture that has overpowered all the institutions of our times, including the religious ones, in predating upon the religious venues as the laminating quality of equality in decision making venues is a standing monument for the victory of the devil in his assault over the almighty God. All forms of social tornados of the high-tech life that shatter the family into fragments are the greatest success of the Devil in his attack against the Holy one. The real religiousness, not the religious sentiments and religious fundamentalism, is an anachronism in the Sunday club agenda of our time. The religious lunacy that invited atheism and agnostics dynamited the true religious spirit that we once applied in the worship God with all our heart, mind and strength. The absence of burning religiosity brought in religious magic and religious hypnotism of fake brand, the religion of the flesh and its paraphernalia, is brothelling the apostolic faith of the Fathers’. As the devil is about to take his absolute control in the Temple, the dawning of a new dark day is going to be a new reality for our long irreligiousness.

Political Hypocrisy:
The national and international politics that is a new version of the survival of the unfittest is a new religion of the society which is going to cut its own throat. Human beings are all equal because their physical senses are the same, but not the mental edifice. Treating everyone equal in his intrinsic values is a wrong and misguided concept. One who likes to rule others should have enough rigorous training in every field of human interactions, according to Plato’s concept of a political philosopher, till the age of forty; mere a street culture to dominate over others and embezzle the State resources by hook or by crook is not a qualification of consoling the vulnerable and exploited. Prolitarianism may be good for the farming community; the thugery and butchery that eliminated millions and millions of innocent lives in Communist countries is not a holy Magna Carta of a cultured and civilized society. Man has no right to kill or torture others whatsoever. The vote-catching technique of liberalizing and poisoning the sanctity of sex and family life has become a sort of human bombs that we planted in the heart flower of our chaste-thinking people. The abortion that used to be treated as a heinous crime is sanctified for the sake of easy and cheap sexual pleasure and grabbing the secular regime. Dating that goes in par with animal culture has become a holy institution, so also sex outside marriage life. While sex is to be treated as sacred, the defacto relationship reminds us that the cyclic evolution of human animality has taken us back to the point where it started. Same-sex union that upholds equal and legal rights is another signpost of our lethal degeneration. Supplementing with supplementing is equal to negation. Politicians for achieving their Machiavellian appetite of winning the election legalized such despicable animal tendencies. This is how we worship the devil with its carnality.

War and Bloodshed:
Watching TV for a sane person, if there are some more left, is a punishment, as it may make heart failure due to atrocious bloodshed of the innocent civilians that include the extreme young, old and the sick without any advance notice. It is an abhorrent criminal crime that invites capital punishment because the innocent, vulnerable is not allowed to sleep even in his or her own shelters. Even animals may not use the weapons of mass destruction, if options are given to them. The tribal warfare in the past was limited to a small geographical boundary and that also a natural one that could be prepared and defended by arms and weaponries of the monolithic age. The defense budgets of the nations exceed any other spending. If we could source out these spending for the humanitarian purposes, there is no more time needed for the coming of a biblical millennium that brings peace and prosperity to one and all. Everywhere we have humanitarian crises that shed rivers of blood, forcing the living ones to wade through it painfully and reluctantly. The carnal pleasure of heinous killing is the standing monument of human evolution that takes us back to the cyclic rotation of mental degeneration and retardation. Cataclysmic havocs and lakes of blood in every suburb is the outcome of our evolution that surely is to culminate into the total extermination of this planet, says the word of God. The human bombs that work like an avalanche is the sign of man’s evil side of brutal animality. The human bomb is proved as the best tit for that against the weapons of mass destruction. While latter is an expensive game that make the nations as paupers, the former is so cheap that anyone can afford to kill a group and get salvation without any cost. Blood begets blood.

Social Impacting:
The society and social life is the outcome of the renovations of the family, political and religious innovations. An irreligious and dysfunctional family and a savage secular life make a society that dynamites the spiritual values which governs the universe is overturned for a final gloom. A high-tech life that cut the taproot of religion seeks the shelter at the lap of the evil one who is waiting for a chance to destroy it completely. Despite the latest technological innovations, particularly the computer that symbolically stand for the Beast that has to emerge at any point of time from the darkest region of the earth, have directed the work and social life to a remote corner of the diabolic entity, the greatest monster of the catalyst is TV that could sow the seeds of profligacy in the heart flower of the infants even from the toddler stage. It has already become the duplicate of the devil in its visible form. Any side of inferno is portrayed in this idiot box that make every viewer an iron idiot. Violence, pornography, sexual acrobatics, and so on are the menu of this savage who converts everyone to its taste. The drug mafias who stretches their tentacles to any corner of our life is another evolution that make anyone an insane product of the sulpherous fire that await us for the end of the day carnival. The latest pop music industry is nothing but the devil incarnate that worship Lucifer as its role model. IT and communication technology is the best tool for the propagation of devil’s mission on earth.

Religious Omnivorousness:
There is a direct and indirect impact of the devil’s kingdom upon the church and its religiosities and activities. The chaste faith of the church is vandalized and replaced with the promiscuities and fads that are disseminated in the high-flying community life. “There is nothing good or bad but thinking make it so” is the modus operandi of the body of the church, ignoring and defying the Head that controls everything. Is there anything that is not legalized by the majority church that is only supposed to have been indulged by the mundane secular and irreligious mob? The list includes at a random: dating, divorce, defacto relationship, abortion, same-sex marriage, pornography of various types, female ordination, gambling, hard drugs therapy and many other immoral trafficking of multifarious types. As a result of such industries, the true faith of the church is overturned and muddled up with innumerable infernal cataclysms. This is why a Sodom type retribution that annihilates earth and its inhabitants are sure to take place within the near future.

Devil’s resting time:
As God took rest on the 7th day after the Creation, it is has been the slumbering time of the prince of darkness till now; only the less dangerous ones have been wandering over the world for hooking up the true believers. The devil’s serious presence is not needed when Adam’s children has been executing his agenda. The inferno is active wherever its adversaries, the church or its members, are operating. He knows that whoever does his devilish activities, they are for him, and this scenario helps him to leave them behind and concentrate his dynamiting upon the true church only and its members and upon all other righteous people. This is extremely a lethal situation for the virtuous people because the majority of the demonic forces can trample over a handful of believers and other honest people who lead a righteous life. A merciful God fettered all the atrocious members of the legion in the gloom and allowed the less explosive ones to prod over the earth till towards the end of the days. “The angels that did not keep their own position but left their proper dwelling have been kept by him in eternal chains in the neither gloom until the judgement of the great day, Jude.6; Rev. 9: 13-16; 2.Pet.2: 4. The sleeping time of the darkest one is over as the presence of the Beast on this plane has become imperative when its forces in accomplice execute his agenda with the children of men. Believers, be careful because your days are numbered and the sufferings that you have to undergo during this period of monstrosities are unimaginable. “Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”, 1.Pet.5: 8.

Every religious, social, secular and family venue is haunted now by the power of the ferocious one; unless we strive ourselves to bail out of his clutch by care and vigilance- prayer, fasting and meditation and ruminating the word of God- we will continue in our self-complacency. Everything is haunted by the power of darkness now. To erase out our inner darkness is the ripe recipe to escape from these days of cataclysms and apocalyptic assaults in an unimaginable proportion. Alas! The tentacles of the evil one is upon every institution, cults and clubs that serve faithfully to the man of false countenance, Eph.6: 11- 12. “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak”, mt.26: 41.

[The contents of the Article is purely personal perspective of the Author.]

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